Vienna, IRSA, 2008. In 8, pp. 268, ill. n.t., leg. cart. Contiene 11 saggi: Pulling out all the Stoups: A Newly-Discovered Acquasantiera by Antonio Federighi / Note sur un dessin de Saint Roch de Lorenzo Lotto / Bernardino da Feltre, the Monte di Pietà and the Man of Sorrows: Activist, Microcredit and Logo / The Beginnings of Medallic Art in Poland during the Times of Zygmunt I and Bona Sforza / Giovanni Bellini’s Humanist Signature: Pietro Bembo, Aldus Manutius and Humanism in Early Sixteenth-Century Venice / Of Founding Fathers and the Necessity of the Place: Giorgione’s Tempesta / Reflections of Pliny in Giovanni Bellini’s Woman with a Mirror / Nova Roma: Aspekte der Antikenrezeption in den Niederlanden im 16. Jahrhundert / Guido Reni’s Latona for King Philip IV: An Unfinished Masterpiece. Lost, forgotten, Rediscovered and Restored / Due nuove opere giovanilli di Giambattista Tiepolo / Ein barocker Dresdner “Audienz Stuhl” mit Kurfurstlich-Sachsischem und Koniglich-Polnischem Wappen.